Sunday, 27 January 2013

2 more mistakes

So I found this new game. It's called League of Legends. A growing number of my friends were starting to play so I wanted to see what the fuss is about.
It's a free to play online game. not unlike WOW in a lot of ways. Pretty fun. If you are into gaming be sure to check it out. The thing that I enjoy the most is etiquette.  Bailing on your team, or leaving before a match is over will get you a warning. doing it again gets you banned for a day. I'm not trying to find out what happens at strike 3 because I am having way too much fun playing this game and I don't want to get banned again :)
Send me any questions, comments or stories at HundredThousandMistakes and remain anonymous if you like! Just remember, boys and girls, hating and trouble making will never get my attention unless it's to show people what an idiot you are So play nice <3
This is Miss Fortune, My most used character. She's a badass!
 Share you're LOL Experience!! I'm Still quite a noob :)


  1. I've actually been eyeing this game for a little while now - seems like a solid game for free-for-play. Now that I know someone else that plays maybe I'll have to checker out... Do you know if the game supports a gamepad? I just picked up a new one (Logitech f310) for this other game I got - "Bastion" and any new games that can make use of it helps justify the purchase!

    Also you should totally check out Bastion. Its like 15bucks on Steam and its DEADLY. One of the most unique games i've ever played from a story telling / universe perspective.

    1. I've heard of Bastion, as well. It looks fun. Not sure about the compatibility, im still very much new to the game haha I'll ask jeremy or nick when i think about it. My summoner name is Dire Kitten. feel free to add me to LOL so you can watch me get owned by bots, and real people alike!

    2. I'll browse the webpage a bit now and see if there is any discussion on using a game pad rather than mouse + keyboard. Amazing summoner name by the way, really strikes fear and confusion into the heart of the enemy.

  2. yeah, i play am ambush character. I thought it was pretty fitting haha

  3. Looks like there is no gamepad support and - for the most part - players say it would be useless anyway. Having not played the game at all I'm inclined to trust in the seasoned players opinions, but from the screen shots of the game it looked like it would be a good fit for a gamepad to me.

    Whatever, I'll still give it a go when I get home.

  4. fun, Fun, FUN! Thanks for the heads up on this one April! I've been playing mostly as Geren - we'll have to get on the go sometime and slay us some bots!
