Wednesday, 2 October 2013

50 shades of rage

I am so infuriated by the society I live in sometimes. women in my society seem to think it's ok to objectify men like they are pieces of meat and then complain about over sexualized women in the media.
People who are so insecure that they worry their partner will be looking elsewhere. It's not about equality for them. It's about ego. How can you possibly hump the furniture over the guy from Republic Of Doyle, then get offended at anyone doing the exact same thing, and keep a straight face?
But you're suppose to be mad about the inequality of it all. Not happy that you get to do it too? There's a select type of person who refers to themselves as a feminist. Except they have no idea what their fighting for. They just need the conflict and excitement in their lives to be happy. These people

This situation gets even worse. Everyone has access to everyone else. Everyone can use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. The anonymity makes people too bold, and forgetful that the entire world is watching and judging them.There are ridiculous people all over the internet. I picture it looking like a zombie horde just roaming the country side in the wake of the Apocalypse, casually hunting. A friend of my boyfriend's once tweeted "The simple fact you "can" is not meant to be a sign that you "should"." I'm paraphrasing of course, but I thought he had made a very good point. That kind of moral censorship seems to be void in our society.

But media outlets such as Radio and Television Stations and  are egging them on. (99.1)HitsFM posted a photo of an over-sexualized, shirtless Alan Hawco, on their Facebook page, and asked fans if they had any questions for him to answer while he would be in their studio. The comments are horrifying to say the least. about half of them are shamelessly throwing themselves at him in the most desperate, pathetic ways.  I'm not saying the man isn't good looking or people should like him. I happen to think he's a pretty good actor and the couple of times I've met him and his lovely wife, they are downright sweet people.
 I just think the media should have a responsibility in the kind of behavior they reward, target, and incite. This was irresponsible and inappropriate for a company that wants to be taken seriously and respected for it's content. You get what you give. and if you're shoveling trash out,  you've got to expect to get some back.

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