Monday, 31 December 2012

You say you want a resolution...

So it's that time of year where the tv tells me that people are considering their New Years Resolutions and the changes they want to make in the new year. I feel that this is a good thing for people to do. Seeking to better one's life is always a postitive thing as far as I'm concerned, as long as it's a healthy change. Making a resolution to change an aspect of your life is a big deal. It's a great way to move forward and out of a rut. I believe there are a few key guidelines that will make it a more positive experience and help to actually reach the goals we all set!

Set The Bar!
Setting your goals too high may end up becoming discouraging! make sure you're setting a goal that will make a positive change, without it being so drastic that you may not reach it at all. A lot of people make the resolution to lose a great deal of weight or to quit doing something, outright. These are drastic changes in ones lifestyle that are very very hard for even the most strong willed of people to maintain.

Think in Broader Terms
Think of all the small changes you can make in your daily lives to achieve you're goals. For example if weight loss is your goal, you don't need to live on celery. If you want a burger, have the burger! but instead of a giant heap of french fries, have a salad! opt for the healthier option during the week, and treat yourself to a burger on the weekend. What happened to the weekends being fun?

Know Yourself.
Be honest with yourself about the things you are unhappy about. Make a list of thing that you could do differently. I personally like to make a list and have all my options laid out in front of me.

Pat Yourself on the Back!
Sometimes it helps to have visual supports around, stickers on your calender, or notes to yourself when you accomplish minor goals along your path, Can help to encourage you when the going gets tough.

Habit Forming
Try to form new habits such as going for a walk every sunday, or taking the stairs at work or school. Implementing new habits will help you get into a new, healthier routine. thinks like regular meals erlaxation time give our bodies a lot of things we need to be healthy. and never ever discount a good night sleep, as it is invaluable for mind and body

What ever you chose as your New Years Resolution, I hope we can all spend some time thinking about the things we could improve about ourselves. Nobody is perfect, after all, it's in our very nature to strive to advance, in every other aspect of our lives. Why should the way we treat people and the things we do for ourselves not fall into that category?


  1. and happy new year to you too.
    a mutual friend of ours introduced me to your blog because you seemed to see eye to eye with him on certain (many) issues; especially love.
    and i like the way you think too.
    in fact, youve even inspired me to start my own blog, so thanks and all the best !

  2. So happy to inspire someone else. Please share your blog link so i can check it out! Take Care xoxo
