Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Thank You! We Are Proverbial Furniture!

I get bored really quickly. I recently found out I have a 152 IQ. I don't really know what that means but I think it's average. I'm just smart enough to have all the social flaws of Sheldon Cooper without all the adorable charm of Abed Nadir. But I digress. I get bored quickly and will probably change the theme of the blog a lot.
New wallpapers and layouts and such. Just rearranging the proverbial furniture
...Proverbial Furniture. What a great name for a band..
I also rearrange the furniture in my house like once a month. If my bedroom is positioned the same way for too long, I can't sleep in it anymore. Right now I'm suffering from a (sort of common) bout of insomnia and I'm thinking that is why. At any rate. This is my new theme. Let me know what you think at HundredThousandMistakes, you can choose to stay anonymous!
This is where I live. How lucky am I?


  1. Love the new layout and color scheme! Looks much more April-y :)

    1. April-y was exactly what i was going for! you complete me :)
