Sunday 24 February 2013

I'll be the rain, falling on your fire escape

Lately I've been observing the social pressures of growing up in St. John's. It's largely money related in Newfoundland, a lot of things are, but I expect the rest of the world is no different.

It seems to be that a portion of people put a great deal of importance on money. choosing to acquire a great deal of education or a trade and get a job with security,  benefits and all the values of being responsible for ones one success. I think that the majority of us realize in our late 20's (mid to late if we are lucky) that in order to live comfortably we want more money. So we work toward a goal more long term for ourselves. Something with some promise of good money, reasonable rewarding work, and a fair amount of time to be spent as one pleases.
Some of these people do physically demanding labour, and work very hard to secure the life they want for themselves and their families. But I will be shocked if you don't know half a dozen lazy, useless, burdens on society who are collecting foolish paychecks for doing nothing except driving a big truck and talking about money. It's not just people in the trades, This just happens to be a prime example that is prevalent in my own community and relatable to anyone local to me, reading this. But it doesn't matter the example. There are people driven by insecurity in all walks of life.  
It's basically the typical fate for your high school's alpha males, be it business, sales, physical demanding jobs. All the ways they can prove their masculinity over other males that they are intimidated by. We get it Napoleon. you're dick is huuuuge. We're all super impressed. While we should all strive to be better, being better than everyone will take up far too much of your time to be lucrative in the long run.

The truth of it is money will make your life better. More comfortable. It is not always the most important thing. It's not the only thing anyone needs, don't be stupid.

Everyone needs affection, and love and understanding. We all have the same basic needs for acceptance and pride. but security buys all of those things. and what do you think you need to buy security?

Another large portion of people seem to reject money. I don't know what money ever did to them. Maybe they had a shitty parent who cared more about money then them. that would be a shame. but still, place blame where blame should lie. Seriously. 
I used to know some people who called themselves Freegan, but were really a whiny spoiled child version of the actual principle*. Lets call this one...Starburns. Starburns. It's sort of funny. In his mind, I think he sees himself as more of a Vaughn kind of character. but he is most certainly Starburns.

All of any of this rant boils down to is money matters. Without it, people who reject money wouldn't have anything to identify with either. Getting a good job and being comfortable are ok to want. it's not a bad thing to care about money and want to do well. but if you care about it too much one way or the other it turns you into a total douche bag. So don't be a douchebag. 

Not so much...

 *If it really means that much to you, go live in the woods and farm and live off of the land like less idealistic, smarter versions* of yourselves do. Why do you think your entitled to sign up for cellphones and cable and credit cards, max out all the limits and burn that bridge? You're nothing but a burden on society. increasing further restrictions on the rest of us because you saw an opportunity to take advantage for personal gain.
How Freegan is that? Commit to the life you preach, otherwise your just giving it a bad name. If we're not the ideal society for you, build a bridge

then build a farm.
live on your side of the bridge, on your own farm, providing for yourself, and leave us alone.

Yeah that's more like it..

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