Thursday 21 February 2013

Formspring Question #7! What a week!

Solo1 Asks: 

How do you handle it when you can't get any sleep? Is sleep a problem for you?

Sleeping has ALWAYS been a problem for me. Ever since I was a little girl, I could never ever fall asleep. I could never ever stay asleep and as a result, I have spent truckloads of money on eye treatments/products and caffeinated beverages. I have a large variety of allergies and sensitivities. So medications affect me a great deal....I'm your standard pale kid.

I find a white noise app on my phone really good for helping fall asleep though. As soon as I move out of downtown St. Johns, the staying asleep will get easier.
I also love going to sleep on a full stomach. I know it's so bad for me, but I do it all the time

Anyone else have some tips for people like Solo1 and Myself? How do you cope with your insomnia issues? Tell me at HundredThousandMistakes to remain anonymous or leave a comment right here! 

1 comment:

  1. Lots of exercise has helped me greatly :) I'm a pretty energetic person, so sleep does not come easy but if I get some form of physical activity in, it comes much easier and I sleep much more soundly :)

    Melatonin may help some people as well!
