Thursday 14 February 2013

V Day

 Ok, So im fully aware of my short comings (bahahaha comings) flaws as a blogger. But it is V Day after all and I had some errands to run. Also boyfriend is going on mini tour tomorrow so I had to get some supplies for a weekend of having the house to myself. Crunchits. Noodle Cups, the regular. I've been trying to play all the Walking Dead games on xbox, but I've been distracted by trying to establish a grown up life with a grown up paycheck. 
Trust me, it's just as boring as it sounds. I'd much prefer to be high and playing video games. But that is the goal isn't it? Work hard, not have any fun, for a long time, so that you can have fun on your own terms and it won't cost you anything a little later. 
I find it really hard to justify going on trips and buying expensive things right now. Mainly because I, as well as most of my friends cannot afford to. Not that we don't overindulge like anyone else.
Living beyond my means and poorly managing money have been monumental flaws ever since I was 16 years old. I always worked. Never asked for money from my parents or anything. I've actually had a lot of jobs where I made really good money...I could just never seem to hang onto it ha ha
This is all digression. Valentines day is why I'm writing this. V Day should not be about couples. It should be about love and kindness. Seeing the lady at Sobey's, and how her face lit up, when I asked where she got her hair colored, was excellent! I'm not coloring my hair anytime soon. but that isn't the point. I didn't ask for myself. I asked to show her that I noticed and thought it was a beautiful coloring job (it really was. great cut too) she told me that she had it done a week ago and her friends didn't even notice, only her boyfriend did. When I left she had a huge smile on her face. THAT is what February 14th is to me. It should be a day for us all to be a little nicer to each other. Not to expect presents and waste money and set expectations for all the people around us. Whether you love Vday or hate it, just shut up and be nice. Hold the door open for someone. I paid for the dude behind me in the mcd's drive through. He only had a coffee and a snack wrap. it wasn't that big of a deal. I didn't even stay to see his face when the clerk told him. But maybe he paid for the person behind him. or maybe that clerk was inspired to shovel his neighbors driveway? That's what it's all about. Kindness is contagious. But some of us have to start. I hope this post will inspire someone else. Share with me the nice things you've done for people today! and the things people have done for you!

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