Saturday 16 February 2013

Formspring Question #6

Solo1 says: This site is packed to the rafters with pointless bullshit and 14-year-old girls posting lyrics from stupid bands. Well done on not being one of those. "Getting offended about stupid things has got to be one of our societies biggest wastes of time".

wow. thank you so much. I've never been quoted before! haha Please feel free to ask anything on my blog, Hindsight. I get lots of negativity too. but that doesn't mean I can't try to make a difference.
I'm far from mediocre. so why should I settle for a mediocre world, that I do not want to be a part of? Thank you for your time. Positivity can prevail if we all chose to be active in making it! Why keep waiting for people to give us what we want, when we can make it for ourselves? - a.p.

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