Saturday, 12 April 2014

The solution to idiots

I believe that Anger is really just fear, or a lack of understanding manifested in the most basic way.
The least complicated way of showing emotion in the whole world is Violence. If you want to fight to prove your point and  go live in the woods, surviving off of the land like all the other primates.
I would trade Celebrity Boxing to watch THAT in a heartbeat. That's legit. Bring back gladiator hardware.
I really wanna see how tough these guys are, against Lions, Tigers and Bears. Oh my, wouldn't that be something
For the love of Evolution, Try to educate and advance yourself to the best of your ability. If you aren't working on being a good/better person, you're probably a source of grief for someone else. Probably the most foolish, to me, are people who have issues with others being gay.
People who openly, proudly admit to being homophobic aren't even complex or intelligent enough to realize they are telling you they're scared of people who are gay.
Forgive me if I'm wrong but if you cannot manage to twist your small, inflexible mind around an admittedly simple train of thought, wouldn't it just stand to reason that your small, inflexible mind may have some issues. not the whole world outside of your door?

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