Wednesday 6 March 2013

Always Cherish The Cabin! (Formspring Question #12)

Formspring Asked: What's a secret skill that you have?

I grew up in a small town where dad and my male (and female) family members are hunters and outdoors people. I'm small and frail, and thus not built for such things. But i have been taught to shoot both guns and bows. I'm actually a pretty good shot. although it's been a few years since I've been around them.
My dad taught me to respect the large, potentially dangerous animals, that frequent our cabin property and the tools we use to hunt them. I used to be very afraid of guns. Now i understand that because I possess the knowledge to use them safely, I can view them as tools, not weapons. That being said, I grew up with hunting rifles and a standard fiberglass bow and arrow set. Dad also dulled my arrows until i was able to actually aim/hit a target. Far cry from the semiautomatic weapons that I agree should not be legal for private ownership.
Also, and this is completely not your questions, but rather where my train of thought took me, my dad is converting his cabin, to be completely light/wind powered. It's just a project for him. He's an old hippie who possesses a fascination for science and technology. I just see a self-sufficient cabin, kept safe by an iron gate, with an artisan well and food stocks for months. When the Zombie Apocalypse hits. You can find me there.

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