Wednesday 6 March 2013

Formspring Question #11

Formspring asks: What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

I usually have a hard time deciding if the things I'm doing are brave or just really stupid.
I guess the thing that comes to mind is staying in St. John's and living on my own after my ex and I broke up.
We had been together for 3 years. I moved to the city not knowing anyone, to live with him and be with him. naturally it all fell apart. But I stayed. I had to prove to myself that i could do it on my own.
For a long time i had 2 jobs. at times 3. But for the last 5 years I've lived on my own. in my own apartment. My bills are in my name, and i'm responsible for myself. Nobody can take that away from me. Bad things happen to everyone. Too many people think it justifies them to be bitter, and dwell on things. You can't depend on anyone in this world to pick you up. it's not their job. It's yours. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. People who dwell on bad things, and fill themselves with hate, and insecurity, never learn to trust again, and that is nobodies fault but their own. Writing this post is another one of those things, that i can't decide between Brave or Stupid on. Thank you for your question, Please keep the conversation going at HundredThousandMistakes

The only part that still irks me is he got the Wii. We bought it together and I took the bed, so all's fair. I was just really close to finishing Paper Mario Wii when shit hit the fan...

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