Sunday 17 March 2013

Jersey Bore

Entertainment has become too foolish, for me to not write about it.
Maybe it can be attributed to our love of pushing boundaries and progressing, on some level, but we lost the wheels on that excuse 20 years ago.
I am sure someone wants to quote some stupid newspaper about Elvis being risque, and how we progress as a species, but we've allowed shows like Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo to get on television and experience wild success. That's not progress, and we should be ashamed of ourselves. This is the only post that makes me want to curse. Thinking about this gets me all "fired up" as a dbag on Big Brother Canada would say

I don't get what his problem is. Settle down Alberta. guys like you always leave BB half way through. They run out of steam and blow up on some mom/sensitive person. Fucks their whole game. So chill. it's not about ratings, Alberta.

This has to be said (and shared hint!hint!)

Jersey Shore
If you actually enjoy this show, you may have brain damage. If you relate to the characters, or the situations, or anything that anyone says on this "program", you may qualify as mentally retarded. Whats worse is people who enjoyed watching those poor, useless puppets, in a way that they think is ironic and clever.
Newsflash ya douche bag.
If you weren't threatened by people in your life, you wouldn't be so insecure to need to compare yourself to anyone else. You're dumber and worse off that the morons that enjoy the program. Because if you were as smart as you believe you are, you wouldn't have any need to look down your nose at anyone. So (Wo)man up and make the improvements that you need to be happy in your own life, you're not better than anyone and that attitude make you a loser.

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